Dating preferences as a trans girl?

I believe it all has to do depending on what you're passionate about. Looks are just superficial but finding someone who would accept you for who you are could be tricky on many levels. Unfortunately lots of men out there see trans women as quick fun, a fascination and or a fantasy. There's plenty of men who are into confident trans women, value and accept for who they are. Compatibility is the most important thing, for example: If you're a non smoker why would you get with someone who smokes? If you're a vegan or vegetarian why would you get into a relationship with a meat eater? There is a perfect man out there but they don't have a billboard anywhere making the announcement as many girls hope, the perfect one will eventually come across and often we don't even notice, the ideal person is always out there but haven't come across. Someone who will appreciate who you are and value your qualities as a human being and a woman is searching as well. Sometimes what we want does not come with the physical attributes we desire, we have to accept as much as we want to be accepted. There's nothing better than a perfect imperfection.

/r/asktransgender Thread