Dating Question - Changing your type

I did, and many of the comments already said this, but I'd recommend:

  1. Figure out what it is that you like and want in a partner.

  2. Figure out what you don't like/want in a partner

  3. Be upfront about your values and don't linger if the partner isn't someone you can't see yourself with long term. I used to get caught up in the excitement of a new relationship without realizing that the person I was dating didn't really fit my values.

  4. Learn more about your likes/dislikes, who you are, and who you want to be. Where do you see yourself in the future? What type of partner do you want to help bring that future together?

Overall, I did a ton of self development, introspection, and dating outside of my normal type to get out of my dating groove. I ended up finding my husband a few years later and we've been together since :) I hope this helps!

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread