Dating rants. vents and open discussion

My last relationship ended about 6 months ago and I have not been back to the dating life yet. Lately I have started going to some meetup get-togethers just to see some human beings and maybe find a couple of nice friends (I've been working remotely 95% of the time since the pandemic and am an expat). And it seems like the guys I talk to in the events just message me afterwards asking me out. Or even directly act like it's a date while it's an event with 200 people.. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I just happen to meet similar people or if it's just the new normal now. I don't deny that it has given me some of my lost confidence back, after feeling very unwanted and unworthy in my last relationship it feels actually good to be wanted and has made me think I'm actually (physically) attractive! But I also have no interest in a hookup or something casual, which is most probably what these guys must be after. So I end up feeling confused about being approached and feel like in the end it will be too awkward and I'll have to stop going to these events...

/r/datingoverthirty Thread