Dating/relationship question: why is getting a 30 something westernized/American Persian/Iranian guy to commit nearly impossible??

Omg I want an Iranian guy!! I don’t want Southern European, I don’t want any other west Asian. I want my future husband to be IRANIAN. With Iranian parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, ancestors. I want him to have an Iranian last name. I want my children to grow up in a 100% IRANIAN household. I want this argument to conclude here. I don’t want you suggesting any other culture/race to me because I’m pretty set on what it is that I want. I am not open to dating anything else.

Now moving forward. You’re wrong. One of my cousins was seeing a guy for some time, his family was from Tabriz. His parents spoke Farsi of course but with a very strong accent and when my uncle and his wife went to meet them, let’s just say... there were differences... I don’t know what that status of their relationship is right now, I don’t want to be nosy and ask but as far as we know, no wedding has happened yet. I mean they live in Iran though. I don’t imagine running into this problem here in the states, I do think that Iranian-Americans have all adapted one culture and that’s “Persian”. But I don’t understand why YOURE SO AGAINST me wanting to be with a Persian?? My family is all Persian, we alllll speak Farsi and I want someone that’s similar to me. Literally if an Azeri girl was voicing her desire for wanting an Azeri guy who speaks her Azeri language, nobody would berate her. They’d all commend her for wanting to be with someone of her own.

Also I was born in Iran. I lived there until I was 9.

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