Dating is such a joke nowadays. Apologies for the rant! Not trying to discourage anyone but I take breaks from dating and it doesn't get any better trying again.

32, getting ready to be 33M here. Considering I'm not at least 5'6" I'd say I'm fairly successful at casual dating.
My job is IT and between work, gym and just being a responsible adult, I'm out 60 hours a week.

Read some of the comments and specifically looked for yours. Here's the deal man.

  1. I get it...being alone can really fucking suck. But, You won't meet anyone worthwhile with your unhappiness. That has to be fixed first. You have to enjoy YOUR life and find hobbies that make YOU happy. It's that simple. Unhappiness isn't attractive.

  2. Relationships are work, lots and lots of work. Even those that seem to just naturally be on the same page most likely weren't always that way. YOU, being a guy have to put a lot of effort.

Sheer numbers aren't on your side here. Men on dating apps grossly outnumber women.

If all of your hobbies don't involve you leaving the house, perhaps you should find one that does. Staying at home all the time is boring to most women.

/r/dating Thread