Dating while (very) fat.

I’ll be honest. You seem very nice and reasonable. I hate to be all tropey but, you should FEEL good about yourself before trying to find a partner imo. I used to be bigger too and eventually won the battle. It’s a life style change and it’s about consistency. You have to want it.

People are shallow by nature. If I’m being frank, I’d say you should lose more weight. In another 6 months If you’re still being consistent you’ll be down over 100lb.

You have more to offer than your body, but most people won’t see past that and judge you immediately. Does he have lack of control? Stress eater? Etc. We judge by nature. It helped us survive before modern times.

You absolutely can start getting out there now and testing the waters if you like. Just be yourself I wish you luck my friend

/r/datingoverthirty Thread