Daughter gets a bong for Christmas, parents die inside

Its rude because it's something you dont just flaunt around to your parents. I used to smoke weed in my backyard multiple times a day and my mom knows I smoke and knows I'm doing it, but I would still always try to hide the bong walking past her or leave it outside. Its like if she got a massive vibrator for Christmas, sure people use those we get it, but it's probably best to keep that type of controversial stuff out of things like a Christmas celebration. Because you know, if you look at their face and the fact that this is on the front page, it seems pretty evident that getting a bong for Christmas while your parents are right there is a little weird. It's a bit disrespectful I totally agree, and that is coming from somebody who has smoked under his parents noses for like 5 years.

/r/WatchPeopleDieInside Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it