Daughter read text that was about her weight.

I wanted to come back and thank you redditors for taking time to help me. Everything is going to be okay. I spent yesterday and today feeling like I had been physically socked in the kidneys, but then got some quality time w my daughter, and we are just fine. We didn't even talk about it (though we will). I have a lot to think about.

Though I'm not glad this happened in the way that it did, I am grateful for the absolute barrage of insights raining from the sky lol.

We do eat pretty healthy already, and she has soccer. Here are some key points we may chat about, over the next dozen years or so: the role of fat in the body; trusting your body; pursuing fitness for its own sake, because it makes life awesome to be so physically competent; eating well; and last but not least, TALKING ABOUT THINGS.

Though I am a big fan of the redditor who said there's no need to talk it to death. I wholly agree.

Thanks again. We're gonna get through this!

/r/Parenting Thread