David - The Rainbow Connection (Legion)

That forest scene is definitely strange... [spoiler](#s "She seems nervous (or angry?) in that scene, and there is a bit of a lag in the dialogue that doesn't do much for me. I feel motivated to think carefully about it though, because I do like Amber Midthunder's characterization overall. Actually, I giggled with joy when she announces 'It's a trap!' with a suppressed grin toward the end of the episode, and then eventually dives out the window.

The forest scene...

Kerry is reacting to the question 'how does it feel?' which does not completely make sense to her. She opts to explain only the good parts of her reality (e.g. 'I get all the action', and of course that she and Cary have a symbiotic relationship beyond sharing a body), which sort of reads as an attempt to appease Syd and avoid the question in the future. From other scenes, we know Kerry experiences excitement when a fight seems imminent; Kerry expresses frustration when others do not predict violence when violence coming; and Kerry lacks patience for communication with people other than Cary. However, this lack of patience for communication comes in sharp contrast to the level of empathy central to her existence.")

This all sums up to some state of being I still cannot quite wrap my head around, and frankly I'm glad for it. The challenges set forth by this show are beautiful gifts.

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