David Brooks on why Hillary Clinton is so disliked: She isn’t “a person” so much as “a role” -- In the age of social media, her goal-oriented persona seems untrustworthy and Machiavellian

Like I said, Republican propaganda. The facts don't align with the above.

Yep, I'm sure it's purely the Republicans behind accusing Hillary of doing the thing which their party wholeheartedly supports and legislates in favor of. I mean, I'm sure there's SOME GOP anti-Hillary media manipulation going on, but if you think ALL of the criticism of her record of corporate influence is baseless Republican propaganda you're a much bigger conspiracy theorist than the ones you claim to detest. Actual progressive tend to legitimately dislike her for valid reasons. I wonder why?

There is more evidence of Sanders undertaking quid pro quo with regards to taking money from vested interests than there is for Clinton.

Lol, I really love to see the proof of that. But regardless, obvious quid pro quo examples are not even close the only determining evidence of corporate influence. Corporations tend to throw money behind politicians who already do the things they like, and they've thrown A LOT of money behind Hillary. Not only campaign contributions, but actually personally giving her tens of millions of dollars. The only candidate they seemed to like more at the beginning of the race was Jeb. Once again, I wonder why?

She's the iron fucking lady.

She sure flip flops and panders a lot for someone who is so strong and iron clad. I mean, you acknowledge that as a flaw in your previous paragraph, but it seems very contradictory to the subsequent paragraph. I will give her credit for shrugging off Republican bullshit for so long though. The Benghazi hearing was particularly impressive.

No, I'm saying that people should realise that you don't have to piss on the rich and the banks to help the poor.

That's odd, because the banks and the rich have been pissing all over the poor for decades. Working class wages have stagnated since the 70s while cost of living and corporate profits have skyrocketed over that span of time. Businesses can literally throw money at the government in the form of lobbying and campaign contributions and get a 20000% return on their investment in the form of tax breaks and loopholes that deny assistance to working Americans who actually need it. I have no earthly fucking clue how "tax the rich more so we can pay for social programs that help people get healthcare without ruining their lives" became some sort of extremist idea. That's literally social democracy 101, and it's only controversial because the current system is so utterly fucked. You'd probably also be shitting all over FDR for the New Deal.

Sanders platform is nonsensical, and the fact that it is being overwhelmingly supported by people with no life experience should tell you all you need to know.

Once again showing that you really don't understand statistics. When you're supported by 40 - 45% of Democrat voters you have millions of supporters from every demographic regardless of what your strongest demographic is. Bernie has millions of 30+ supporters, so trying to paint all of his supporters as young and naive is a huge load of bullshit.

The fact the guy has spent thirty years preaching the exact same message is not a good thing. Or, as Muhammed Ali said: 'A guy who believes the same thing at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.'

Hey, if changing his message means whoring out the government to corporations like his colleagues have, I'm 100% on board with Bernie continuing to waste his life.

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