David Suzuki: Decades of denial and stalling have created a climate crunch

Pollution is a huge problem worldwide. Pastics being dumped into the oceans instead of being recycled, is something that I feel needs to be solved ASAP. I'm all about renewable energy, and I try to re-use and buy used items whenever possible. We can all do our part by not buying things made in China, and spend a bit more for locally made products. Everyone can do their part, and we can make small changes every day to pollute less. That being said, we are all humans, and we always change things around us as we evolve. Anti-human propaganda, and extreme climate fear mongering is the direct transformation of the once very popular Eugenics movement that was started by the Rockefellers and used by the Nazis to condone the slaughter of millions of people.



How Big Oil Conquered The World: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ySnk-f2ThpE

Why Big Oil Conquered The World: https://youtube.com/watch?v=0wlNey9t7hQ

/r/canada Thread Link - straight.com