Day is more than just a black woman, David is more than just a black man, Kevin isn't just a gay man, Ian isn't just an autistic man. HGs represent themselves and shouldn't bear the weight of the world representing their communities, and fans should be able to criticize them as individuals

I feel for her, it's not fair that she can't live like everyone else and just be herself. But I also find it really racist to prioritize alliances based on race

I dunno, I think when you're talking about that you have to look at the contextual facts. Like people harp on this but clearly Da'vonne's identity as a minority is important to her, I don't think there's any indication that she's a racist and given you spend so much time on reddit generally, bashing trans people, bashing woke people aren't you just being a hypocrite by levelling such a serious charge against her that's clearly false? IMO this whole post is just a sort of creative way to shit on her tbh, like the premise of the post is "lets forget about their identities and shit on them as people", which sort of seems unneccessary for this subreddit given Da'vonne and Bayleigh are really disdained on the subreddit anyways, probably held to a generally higher standard at least here (although obviously not on twitter).

Suggesting that she wouldn't boot David because of the historically bad results black men get isn't racist, that's absurd. It's just informed by the reality that black people are going to have a relatively tougher time in these games because of biases and less to relate with the majority of the people in terms of the life experience (generally, not always). I mean the majority alliance comprised entirely of white people, and the odds of that happening naturally all things being equal was like 3% according to the person who did those calculations. That's not because the people are racist or anything, just your more likely to be drawn to people that have a similar life experience to your own and also a lot of like "in group" out group mentality is built on physical appearance. Also in the house they were outnumbered dramatically. So bad game move for Da'vonne but don't call it or her racist for putting that out there, especially when she clearly did walk that back later.

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