Daygame youtube coaches are like: "Run up to her and do a front stop". Does anyone else find that incredibly beta?

Dude but approaching communicates high value.

Approaching communicates high value if done the right way. If done the wrong way, it can appear desperate and needy.

And it's the guys who approach that date the hottest girls and have the most abundance. (beside model looking guys on tinder)

Watch the video in the OP. 400 approaches, 5-10 numbers, 1-3 dates. How the fuck is that abundance to you lol.

Frankly the more we talk the more I suspect that you are just scared shitless of approaching and looking for some bs excuses.

Nah mate. I'm the same as you. I approach in bars and other social settings. Mall, park, grocery store. I never chase. You said yourself that you mainly do night game - if street approaching is so good, how come you aren't dedicating your time to that instead?

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