[DC]Is Atrocitus a Villain, Hero, or Antihero?

A police force that operates under what code of conduct? Written by who? Agreed upon by what government body? How did this body gather the opinion of the citizens these "police" rule over?

They have an amorphous set of rules decided upon by an unquestionable group of self proclaimed higher beings, who accept no oversight nor input on their decisions. They extend this authority, while good intentioned, without any consent from the civilizations being policed. Sounds like a gestapo, or an occupying military force. Like America in the middle east. Good intentions and a compartmentalization of responsibility do not absolve the institution of its collateral damage.

A reputation for being pure and non-corrupt? Really? Werent the Guardians, their command structure, known for being arrogant pricks who through their "authority" around? Ever hear of this guy named Sinestro? What about that whole parallax debacle?

Last thing; While not an excuse to be rude or outright abusive, it may shock you to know that talking to the local worker is exactly how you go about lodging a formal, polite complaint with a company. So, yeah, taking issue with the Lanterns because the Guardians are/have been assholes is exactly correct. Its not like they have a suggestions box.

Opening your comment with "Wrong" then listing a bunch of subjective interpretations of those topics really, REALLY makes you sound arrogant.

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