The DEA says ‘marijuana is not medicine’ — reality says otherwise

I wanted to change the quality of my life around five years ago.

I studied and tested and spoke with real people about many different types of natural ingredients. Most importantly I tested hundreds on myself.

I have arthritis and my whole family suffers from the disease. Unfortunately, I injured my right knee. I was unable to run for long distances due to the pain afterward. I took many pain killers etc which did work while offering side effects. Some would give headaches, others would make you dizzy. You get the picture.

Natural remedies were not on my radar. While I had begun to put on weight and gained around 60lbs. In the end, I decided to make a change. Turmeric was one of the first natural supplements which were used. I took it for four weeks and noticed no difference at all so I stopped and told people it did not work.

Then I tried another brand and used the full course for four months. Within eight weeks I noticed the pain in my right knee went down from a seven to a three or four.

Five years later and many tests etc. My pain is down to a 1 or 2 and other times it is not even there. I know it the turmeric which enabled the reduction because I have stopped taking it for a few weeks just to test it out. Then within three weeks, the pain is back to a six or a seven.

Many other supplements help differently issues with the body. Most do not work. While a few actually work in a big way. The biggest help is for my family. My Nan is very old and suffers from severe pain. In the past seven months using Turmeric, it has reduced to less than half of the previous amount.

My mother in law was taking injections in her foot for an issue. After six months the pain is almost gone.

You can find endless studies. The true rest is using it for yourself. Will it work for everyone? I have no idea. While compared to Drugs with side effects. Testing Turmeric for three months is a no-brainer.

While I do wish people would use their own experiences instead of quoting studies.

Anyone that researches into the past eighty years of medicine. Whether it is cigarettes or the war on drugs. Understands that studies published in the 1920s-1930s suggested Cigarettes helped with lung issues. Doctors prescribed them daily.

The Drug lobby has billions of dollars at stake.

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