Dead by Daylight balance changes [REVISED]

This is a revised version of a post I made a little while ago. I took feedback into account, and I think more people will like these changes.

Survivor Balancing

  • Current Self-Care is passive by default, and the Self-Care perk now speeds up non-medkit healing by 10/15/20%.

  • All Survivors can see each other's loadouts in the pre-game lobby, allowing for more coordination for solo players.

  • Borrowed Time is limited to one use per trial (per player with the perk). It can be activated by holding down the Use Item button while unhooking someone, just like consuming an item.

  • Decisive Strike can be used 20/30/40 seconds after being unhooked, and automatically activates (no skill check).

  • In-game voice chat for Survivors, with mute options.

  • Generator repair time is dependent on the number of SWF present. Each SWF member adds 10 seconds to the base generator repair speed, but increases the entire lobby's bloodpoint gains by 5%.

  • Mettle of Man counts protection hits and healing the equivalent of one health state.

  • Buckle Up allows you to instantly revive a Survivor from the Dying state, if that Survivor previously rescued you from a hook. It can be used once per trial.

  • Tool-box speed is reduced by 15%.

Killer Balancing

  • Killers can cross vaults, damage generators, and destroy pallets 10% faster.

  • Generator regression is made passive at all times. Damaging generators increases the regression rate by 100%.

  • NOED is reworked to reveal the auras of all Survivors every 20/15/10 seconds once the final generator is completed. It no longer applies the Exposed status effect.

  • Hex: Ruin is reworked to decrease generator repair speed by 15/20/25%, and give 0% repair bonuses for great skill checks. All aspects of previous iterations of the perk are scrapped.

  • The bleed-out timer for Deep Wounds persists while sprinting, but pauses when in 16 meters of the Killer. Additionally, mending takes 20 seconds.

The Legion Rework

Power: We are One

The Legion can see all lockers within 48 meters by holding down the Power button. While hovering their reticle over a highlighted locker, they can send another Legion member to it by tapping the Attack button. Up to 3 lockers can be occupied at a time. With the Power button held, The Legion can switch to a different member by holding down the Attack button while hovering their reticle over an occupied locker. Upon switching characters, the previous Killer uses a smoke bomb to cover their tracks. The Legion must wait 30 seconds before being able to change characters again.

If a Survivor comes within 3 meters of a locker containing a Legion member:

  • They're attacked, putting them into the Injured state. If they're already injured, they're not put into the Dying state.

  • They're afflicted with the Deep Wounds status effect.

  • Their location is revealed to the active Killer.

  • The Legion member who attacked them drops a smoke bomb, and vanishes.

  • The Legion member cannot be sent to a locker again for 30 seconds.

A Survivor can ensure a locker is safe by standing within 6 meters of it, and listening for breathing that occurs every 5 seconds when a locker is occupied by The Legion.

Power: Feral Frenzy

The Legion has a power gauge that builds up over time. Once the gauge is full, Feral Frenzy can be activated by tapping the Secondary Power button, causing the power gauge to drain over 12 seconds.

While Feral Frenzy is active:

  • The Legion is granted a 15% speed boost.

  • The Legion can't put Survivors into the Dying state.

  • The Legion can quickly vault over obstacles and pallets.

Striking a Survivor while Feral Frenzy is active applies the Mangled status effect. Failing to hit a Survivor before Feral Frenzy ends results in an extended recovery cooldown. The power can be ended prematurely by tapping the Secondary Power button. Feral Frenzy can be activated every 15 seconds. Missing an attack does NOT end Feral Frenzy.


Perks remain the same, except Iron Maiden becomes a base game perk, and Hex: Anarchist's Bane is added to The Legion's kit.

Hex: Anarchist's Bane

A hex totem that punishes those who stray off on their own. If only one Survivor is repairing a generator, their progress is slowed by 30/35/40%. The effect is disabled if the hex totem is cleansed, or if only one Survivor remains. Hex: Anarchist's Bane supercedes other perks that affect generator repair speeds, but only affects generators being repaired by a single Survivor.

  • The Cannibal moves at 100% speed while charging his chainsaw. Bubba's Chainsaw grants a 20% speed boost, and lasts for 3 seconds, but greatly hinders The Cannibal's turn-rate. Bubba's Chainsaw can be canceled at any time, and the penalty for hitting surfaces is reduced by 50%.

  • The Nurse moves at 110% speed, and is limited to only one blink (without addons). She can designate where she wants to blink with a marker (no addons required), and suffers no fatigue. Her blink gauge takes 7 seconds to recharge, but instantly refills if she hits a Survivor within 3 seconds of blinking. I feel this would make Nurse accessible to all players, and make her overall more enjoyable to play.

  • Rule No. 2 is made passive for The Pig. She can also move at 100% speed while crouched (like Ghostface). Her ambush attack activates 25% faster, and applies the Hindered status effect for 3 seconds. Survivors work on Jigsaw boxes 25% faster while within The Pig's terror radius. Survivors cannot escape trials with the RTB on, even if the countdown timer hasn't started.

  • The brown bag is made passive for The Trapper, and more traps are scattered throughout the map.

  • The Clown now has a Jack-in-the-Box power. Any items Survivors bring into the trial are hidden inside Jack-in-the-Boxes scattered throughout the map. Six Jack-in-the-Boxes spawn, in total. Survivors need to wind them for 4-12 seconds to reveal what they contain (with a nice jump-scare). If a box is empty, a creepy clown doll emerges, along with The Clown's token purple gas, which applies the Hindered status effect, and reveals the Survivor's location. There's also a small chance that a box could contain a rare item.

  • The Hillbilly's "insta-saw" addons are changed/removed, and his turn-rate during Chainsaw Sprint is increased by 5%.

  • The Plague gains Corrupt Purge once the equivalent of three Survivors reach Infection Phase 3. After a Survivor uses a cleansing fountain, their position is revealed, and the fountain will be corrupted after 30 seconds. Corrupt Purge lasts 40 seconds. I feel that this would make Plague more viable at higher ranks, whilst not discouraging Survivors from cleansing.

  • The Demogorgon's Shred attack applies the Mangled status effect, and charges 20% faster. The Demogorgon also teleports 25% faster.

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