DEADLINE April 15/2015 Healthcare now a TAX BILL through illegal Sara Hall Ingram. US PRESIDENT/FIRST FAMILY/USA LAWMAKERS exempt themselves; ALL AMERICAN Healthcare insurers be 'IDENTIFIABLE' through RFID CHIP to steal from and if protest, Turn it "OFF". COMMITTEE of 300

(CONTINUATION PART 2 OF; *The DEATH PENALTY for TREASON using Civilian Police (and/or Police and Military personnels whose sense of Justice have not been corrupted) will be (only) for the BELOW mentioned (unless otherwise, instructed by The Lord) so it will NOT be used against INNOCENT AMERICANS and foreign individuals by OBAMA and other luciferian/opportunists, posing as "govern.", using muslims to do their 'dirty' job of genocide against humanity. * "Black" girls rock? What about "White" girls rock? It is discrimination to not take note of this one country that's already CRIMINALIZING Obama from even entering their country, for WAR CRIMES. (please read below) *(used under Fair Use Act)) * Just like I warned the US Authorities (HAARP! West Star & E-Systems Corp., Dallas, TX) of the luciferian's ELECTRONIC VOTING FRAUD (my electricity was cut 50 TIMES. YES, I WAS COUNTING)/SCHOOL SHOOTING DEPT., Mysteriously, too, Republican majority city was hit with tornado right before voters had a chance and (I stopped the EARLY VOTERS FRAUD with FREE MARIJUANA WORTH 40 DOLLARS BY THEM, ALSO...) and ASSASSINATION DEPT., including NSA (8 TRILLION DOLLAR BLACK OPERATION BLDG, NOW UK head of luciferian Bogus BRITISH (she's not British) monarch combined their UK spy dept., and I would not be surprised with CANADA, N.Z., AUSTRALIA, etc...unfortunately enough to be under her luciferian rule. * I am most weary of hearing about ENACTING of LAWS by the luciferians to make it MANDATORY for children or adults to be VACCINATED, as you can imagine! Not only because I stopped it once, Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD MICROBIOLOGIST) was arrested for "threat" against the White House/President?! when in fact, he had called in to LIVE RADIO to WARN THE INNOCENT American PUBLIC regarding TAINTED H1N1 SWINE FLU VACCINES being produced by BAXTER BioPharma SOLUTIONS in UKAINE LAB., which was a BIOWEAPON disguised as a VACCINE. He claimed that the VACCINE contained an adjuvant (ADDITIVE) designed to WEAKEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM and REPLICATED RNA from the VIRUS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE 1918 pandemic SPANISH FLU, causing Global sickness and MASS DEATH. (Exactly, what the Head of State told the Doctor about the 'poison' in the VACCINE. Note; The one is a VIRUS and the one is a BACTERIA. H1N1 is a VIRUS d PNEUMONIC PLAGUE is a BACTERIA) * Truth be known, ISRAEL is surrounded by TRAITORS, against their own people. They are known as the synagogue of satan. John Kerry, Netnanyahu, Peres is a luciferian. Mossad having to obey Netnanyahu and Peres maybe part of them. Egypt assassination dept., and Naisho assassination dept., of Bogus "imperial" of Japan/order of the garter/born from sun goddess and storm nose, and few other assassination dept., unfortunately under luciferian Bogus British(she's not British) luciferian head, like Australia, etc... Two of the luciferians' diabolical plan amongst others were a Ring of Fire simulating OK bombing, which I notified the US AUTHORITIES about and (the US AGENT who testified to this, killed), 2 Billion Dollar Black operation contract with a steel company ordering trailers complete with shackles, if "voluntary" TOXIC immunization (named above) 'against' their induced pandemic was denied, then haul them to FEMA CAMPS in shackles/tainted on rails in Trailers. (used under Fair Use Act)

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