dealer is asking for a paystub after i've driven the car off the lot

Did you not consider, with this being the internet, i am really that dumb?

Did you not consider that I am actually, or am indeed am smarter than you and am only asking general questions and not being specific about anything to my situation, and only looking for an answer that I already know, but just want to solidify it?

Do you think that the amount of $ i am making is relevantly true or that the car price is the actual car price so that you cannot pinpoint an exact nature of my situation or location?

I am clearing out the noise and getting the information that I need because reddit is good for information gathering and intelligence.

I'm actually more big brain than you think. But then again, i suppose that 95 percent of most people don't think like this, and just take things at general face value and don't critically think, like you said.

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