Dealing with physical deformities/chronic illness and injury in the bedroom. Feeling like a gross failure as a girlfriend, and feeling bad for my boyfriend. Seeking advice and wanting to hear other women's experiences.

When you watch porn, how do you know that what you are watching is not rape? You can't know for sure.

Verbal consent that you see in porn videos is often forced. Porn actresses often get denied their pay if they don't look into the camera at the end of the shoot and say they liked it. Actresses are often drugged for scenes they otherwise would not do.

Long time porn actresses speak out about the increasingly demanding and degrading conditions for young porn actresses.

How can you guarantee the actress you are watching is older than 18? Minors are often sex trafficked in the porn industry. There is no way to guarantee the age of the person in a porn video.

Every time you watch porn, you gamble your morals away. You are willing to watch rape to get off. You are willing to view the videos of rape that are certainly mixed in with even the most vanilla seeming pornos.

You are morally bankrupt if you choose to watch porn, knowing that there is no way to guarantee thay you are watching a consensual act and not a rape.

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