Dear Bothered White People

Causing delays in people's shopping experience at the mall, or commute for work is an enormous inconvenience. Like holy fuck, let me live my life. So I agree, protesting should be more productive and thoughtful than that. But you can be an asshole, without being called a terrorist. Terrorists take guns or explosives, and shoot hundreds of people when they attack a shopping mall or an airport. Tearing peoples' flesh to pieces with high caliber bullets, and destroying their families, forever. I'm sorry, disruptions in the Cinnabon line chaps all our asses, but people at the hands of terrorism go out to Macys, and wind up filled with shrapnel and terror. Dead. Forever. Imagine looking at a pair of shoes, and out of nowhere feeling an explosive blast like a sledge hammer, ears ringing from a rifle louder than a rock concert. Now you're dying, cold and alone in a shopping mall. Comparing yourself to people who suffer like that, in order to progress whatever political agenda you have is the least empathetic, most selfish bullshit I've ever read. It is fucking pathetic and you should have some respect.

Terrorism traditionally means the use of violence. It literally does. As you stretch the definition of terrorism, you encourage legislation that was written to stop bomb attacks to be used on non-violent, legal activities that fit in with terrorism in a general, categorical sense of negativity or harm to others' happiness. Using that word in such a way is really just trying to trick people emotionally in order to agree with a negative perception of BLM. And yeah BLM is probably annoying as fuck. They seem disorganized and loud, and racist in many cases. But they aren't terrorists causing national tragedies. What exactly do you want from calling a non-violent organization like that terroristic? You get to win an emotional battle in some peoples' minds right now, at the cost of what? I fear the day that I could be marked as a terrorist for feeling passionate enough about something, that I want to stand in an airport or a mall with people I relate to. I would never try to hurt anyone.

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