Dear employees of Wal-Mart, what is the weirdest walmartian you have encountered?

I have been playing casual since S3 on LAN (my account even has the super rare icon), with the new ChampSel solving the "I called lane go fuck yourself" I finally decided to go to ranked this season.

1-9 into B4, which hasn't gotten all that better (11-25 / 8-12 last 20). It just seems that any small mistake from our side ends up pretty much being a game loss, coupled with tons of bs champs. Usually I didn't think about complaining if I were placed lower, since it didn't seem to me that it was that important beforehand. But 1-9 seemed just really unfair, and it really gets to you. Nobody in my current league is that bad (well, there's a guy that's 15-38).

I usually got placed as support from selecting fill, but I have ceased to do that because everything gets blamed on the sup (I even had a Lucian rage at my Taric for not doing anything, when his CS under tower was possibly less than 4/min). So nowadays I'm strictly queuing Mid/ADC.

My mid comp consists off Lulu (Muramana, Guinzoo's, Nashor's and Lich Bane are somehow effective), Ashe (if we lack pure AP) or Syndra (for whene they're just squishies). My ADC comp nowadays consists of Tristana (recent pick, good peel), Jinx (recent pick, good sustained bursts), Kalista (planning to drop, can't stay alive). throws out a 1036 MMR which isn't supposed to be that bad (even with some losses being my fault, nobody's perfct), and I have the green ribbon for consistently getting honor (I have never asked for honor), while many people will say those are everywhere in LAN, that was only true until about a year ago.

I just don't see my winrate being close to decent since more often than not I just feel like I'm just in the wrong side of the game. Whenever I played normals, it didn't feel like that as often. It was much easier to have a fair and balanced game instead of the snowballing mess we have now, and even ragers and flamers wouldn't be as bad.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong that could lead into this problem?

/r/AskReddit Thread