Dear lovelies

This is the weirdest defense post I've ever seen.

"Hey, I think this guy is bad at what he does and he's underwhelming and dumb and will never change for the better, and I'm going to make a post that calls attention to the fact that I have these opinions. But please don't any of you post negativity towards him, because that's really rude and just uncool."

OP, it's nice that you're trying to decrease the negativity towards Arin, and maybe the way you worded the post is meant to make yourself relatable to his haters, but...yeesh.

Here's an idea - maybe the fact that Arin's doing improv comedy while he's playing games might have something to do with the fact that maybe he's doesn't do everything perfectly all the time? (And even while he's performing, he's still a way better gamer than I'll ever be.) Pretty much any let's player who isn't an experienced speedrunner can be frustrating to watch at times because, yeah, you're not going to get everything right your first time through, especially when you're multi-tasking. But the missteps - something we all deal with when playing games - shouldn't negate the victories.

/r/gamegrumps Thread