Dear Lovely Women of TwoX, how did you get over being faded on after sex the first time?

One time I had a gal I slept with after meeting her for the first time. Was not my best performance, wasn't my worst, but i know I failed to impress. Thing was, I really didn't care. She was another pot head with nine cats (yes I counted them), no real job making money, and was willing to give up pussy. When she didn't make any real effort to return my calls. I picked up and moved on, and banged another six or seven women before meeting a gal I dated for three years before meeting another woman that became my fiancee.

If the sex isn't mind blowing, there is rarely any reason to keep seeing a woman. If she doesn't even try to be good at it, there's rarely any reason to keep seeing a woman unless it is to warm your bed till you find the next one. If they at least enthusiastically try, then you keep giving them a shot, because enthusiasm eventually leads to great skill, and it doesn't hurt if they perform body massages before or after sex as well.

You're 25. Yeah I remember 25, good times. Chased lots of tail, enjoyed lots tail. Was a horrible human being. Was in law school, met lots of women wanting to be that woman that married a lawyer. God, great times. Now that I'm a lawyer it's even better. And since 50 Shades of Grey came out it's gotten waaayyyy better.

But you are at the end of being young. Now you are maturing and so is your appeal and value to men. Hate to be the one to say it, but that's some bald truth from the guy side. Men who can get into a woman's pants easily, will sometimes settle down for them but most know they are better off just playing the game and never settling down with such a woman. It's a waste of time and energy, bang it, enjoy it, move on to the next one.

If the woman is a later bloomer (and there are lots) you take it slow, you get to know them, see if they are awesome people and consider making a go of it. If a woman is 25 and single, it's best to keep moving unless she's just a eager to please freak in the bedroom.

Marriage isn't a necessity for men anymore, committment is rarely appreciated or valued by most people under thirty five, so there's little reason for a guy to get caught up in a woman.

It's not that a guy may fade on a woman, it's that the guy has little reason not to fade anymore. Thank god for the internet, thank god for online dating, thank god for Tinder, thank god for craigslist.

And most importantly, thank god for the seemingly endless lines of women willing to give sex away for free without commitment, to men who don't value them, who don't appreciate them, and don't even really like them.

God Bless the slut, without her.....well I'd have gotten stuck getting married way earlier in life to have some semblance of a chance at sex.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread