Dear Paul Ryan: Listen to Your Constituents

I think part of the design of the House of Representatives was for it to be subject to public opinion. This is why Washington warned us of political factions, and the damage it is causing.

If you push an ideology hard enough, you can get entire groups of people to vote against 35% of the populations interests. Within an ideology though there is factions of people who may be voting against 25% of their interests but as they mostly align with this ideology they cannot vote for another for accurate representation.

35% of a congressional district should not be ignored for not voting for someone. While Mr. Speaker may have been elected by 65% of the electorate, there are 35% of his constituents that he still has to govern fairly.

Any reasonable man would know that Paul Ryan could walk into a planned parenthood clinic and get a prostate exam. It is unreasonable to think that the only thing they do is abortions, if the fact is Paul Ryan could walk in their for a prostate exam.

Should the government be granting money to planned parenthood? Surprisingly as a non-constituent of Speaker Ryan, I'd say that is up for debate. Should they be receiving as much money as they do? That is even more debatable.

However, in order for the electorate to properly decide that, they need proportional representation in a House of Representatives that is not subject to grotesque gerrymandering, and for-profit campaign schemes.

When I learned about some of Rep. Pelosi's work as Speaker, I realized if I could have any position in United States politics it would be Speaker of the House.

It is unfortunate that we live in a two party system where just 10 years ago bipartisan legislation was worthy of passing. Nowadays it is one party rule, or get out.

I'm not really sure why I wrote this post. I would not support a parliamentary system of a House of Representatives as Wilson would have. However I would support a major increase in the number and a system that establishes constituency's without gerrymandering. This and some savvy political work would make it more viable for third parties to finally get elected.

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