Dear People of Reddit - What is the world like for you?

It's a dark world, no one will help eachother out, everyone is actually out to do the opposite; Benefit from you in some way. I was briefly homeless once at 20 (nothing sad dw) and I remember walking around the city I grew up in with the last of my money in my hand. I saw I world I didn't fit into anymore. People sitting in coffee shops that cost £3 for on cup and I didn't have that kind of money to waste so I didn't belong there, I had nothing. It made me feel stupid because I remembered how much money I used to waste on people. Buying them the same coffee without a thought and where are those people now? Stupid me. Anyway. From that day forward I couldn't help but see the world as a place that is only interested in benefiting from people. Dates are misleading. Banks are misleading. Jobs are misleading. Adverts make me sick, they are misleading. Everything is misleading. Can't even sign up for internet provider without expecting to get ripped off somewhere down the line. I know it's only a matter of time before I get a bill for something I did not sign up for only to be told "there is nothing we can do at this moment in time, please feel free to leave feedback so this does not happen again". But I'm not cynical, infact this mentality makes me grateful for when good things do happen. I've met some absolute saints. I've met fair people, kind people, generous people. I just hope those people continue to be kind to the right people and not the ones that try and take what they have.

/r/AskReddit Thread