Dear PHP

You are not seeing the error in your argument. You are saying, at present, that compile-time operand mismatch errors are a massive feature of a language that ultimately means that if a language doesn't have it, it is left in the dust by languages that do. Realistically those operand errors fix none of the problems that dynamically typed languages run into.

Big deal, you can't concatenate an int and a string using + in Python. What you can do is substitute ints for strings and strings for ints all over the place, which can mean user input fucks everything up on your app if you aren't careful. That is really the point I'm trying to get at.

All the examples that I've given you, the results were of raw PHP.

One example.. and No, they weren't. Do you know how many dependencies and config files are assembled with your average PHP framework every time you make a page request? It's just a side effect of wanting a clean powerful framework in a non-compiled language. You can clearly see even with your same link that it affects python and django/ruby and ror just the same.

Similarly those Java frameworks would not have achieved 1m or 2m if the underlying java environment was inherently limited to 100k or 200k, as PHP is.


All the frameworks where its neck to neck according to you, is only talking about a single operation at a time.

That is generally how websites and web applications operate. Yes with SaS you can perform heavy back end lifting complete with threaded procedures and more, but in the web world that is not as common a web application build around the HTTP request model. Not even close to as common.

I dont even know why we are focusing on Java, if you compare PHP with any of the other web languages, its not even close to the slowest. Your own link shows that many Java, python, C++, ruby, JS frameworks are much slower than some of the other PHP frameworks. SO what was that about it not being dependent on frameworks? it clearly seems to make some difference

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