Dear Redditors who ended a relationship with their best friend. What was your breaking point?

I realized my best friend was a massive piece of shit.

I was friends with him from childhood and hanging out with him was fun but I noticed that every friend I introduced him to ended up hating him. He would do some shady shit and would always act like he had the most noble intentions and he could never do anything wrong. I realized he was a narcissist and just not a good person and there was no way he would ever change.

I ended up ghosting him as I knew that anything I would say he would try to argue his way out of and there was no point in doing that.

Honestly I still miss hanging out with him but I would never associate myself with someone like that again. I was blinded for years by me being loyal to a friend but now I realize that even being associated with a piece of shit will make people think you are a piece of shit too.

/r/AskReddit Thread