Dear ‪XS Las Vegas‬, I almost committed suicide last night because of you.

Look, I want you to read this and understand that I'm not trying to hurt you or be a dick: but can you not tell how self-entitled this sounds? "I don't need to do anything I don't want to do?"

Yes you do, you have to do things you don't want to do every day. Like go to work, and take a shit, and wear underwear. And not showing up at the club too drunk to get in in the first place was one of those things.

Segregation is not one isolated incident. If you had seen this happen time and time again, then yeah, there's something fucked up going on. But you got unlucky this one time and it's not fair to call out XS for this because of one bad incident.

I think you need to look yourself in the mirror and consider that the world isn't out to get you. The harsh truth is that you just messed up this time by showing up too drunk at the club. 100% if that first interaction hadn't happened, you would've gotten in, no problems.

And if you want to avoid snap judgments, maybe be less judge-able. This entire post screams self-entitled bitch to me, and I'm NOT saying that to hurt you, I'm saying that as a neutral observer because you need to realize it. Every single person who has read this post has had the same reaction as me. I'm sure you're a really nice person in real life but this is a bad reaction to have, and you should know that.

This post is a microcosm of why the older generation absolutely hates our generation. Again, not saying this to hurt you. But I'm not going to mince words. Did our grandparents thrive in a time of war and inconvenience and work their asses off- so their grandchildren could contemplate suicide in a nightclub? Think about what your life is worth, all of the struggle and pain a human is capable of going through, and what you can accomplish in your many remaining years.

Sometimes in life, things don't go our way, and people will be assholes. Character is defined by how you deal with adversity. Are you going to blame the club and segregation and pity yourself, or are you going to pick yourself up and be sober/bring a passport with you next time so it doesn't happen again? The most respected leaders are those who shoulder the blame regardless of who's at fault. Be that person. You'll be stronger for it.

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