Death, manipulation and how shitty religion is in general regarding death.

So sorry for your loss. I was into my 3rd year after my faith crisis when my dad was in his last few months of life. I just started my first job after 20years not working (SAHM), then dad died. I thought I would be strong, I fell apart, I was a mess. People at work tried to console me with their Christian rhetoric. At this time I no longer believed in celestial/eternal garbage form TSCC. I told one guy, my dad left my mother, I don’t even know where my he is, he said “He’s singing praises at the Jesus feet!” WTF!!! I was so angry and disgusted by this 60 year old mans childish answer! After only four months they let me go, I was too much a distraction for my department. Grieving is difficult!

/r/exmormon Thread