Want to debate Anti-theist? Join our discord, Let the sticks of reason clash!

Allah thanks all you atheists for helping to purge all the infidel religions of the world, and going into the 22nd Century

See and Hear, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world all through the 20th and 21st century, around 2 billion and growing, and will never stop or slow down

once all the infidel religions are gone thanks to all the dedicated atheists pounding away on keyboards all day, now everyone will have 2 choices, convert to Islam, or be our slaves. don't want to be our slave? meet mr sword

before long, no more atheists left in the world.

careful what you wish for......wait its to late, keep at it on reddit and all over the internet.

and keep buying books and supporting famous atheists

Dawkins. Sam Harris. Christopher Hitchens. Stephen Hawking, etc etc.

"oh Hitch, we miss you everyday"..........

Join our discord, Let the sticks of reason clash! sure......

Allah thanks you

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