A debate on logical conclusions, what's your standard of being true or that something works?

Logic often fails because WYSIATI. Even if all four of those claims are true, and I agree with some of them, there's always a lot of unknown unknowns.

For example; This girl wears revealing clothing because she is lonely and she likes the attention, but she'd rather wear a sweater.

Girls aren't attracted to the muscles, its the tanktops they dig because their favorite pop star wears tank tops.

Nerds don't get laid because they only shower once a month and its a repulsive smell getting close to them even though they are masculine.

I have never met a good looking guy that didn't act like an asshole, I have only met one good looking guy in my life so its yet to be determined if all good lookers are assholes. Or, two, my definition of jerk/asshole is different than yours.

So, while I myself agree with most of your conclusions, I don't agree with the way you drew the conclusions and I don't think the way you drew the conclusions would be a good way to convince anyone about their veracity.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread