In debt and considering marrying a rich women

Just like men can (rightfully so) label women, all women as an AWALT, so do I believe that men have the inherent predisposition to nobility.

This undertaking may rob you of those qualities that all men admire, costing you so much more in the long run.

But I’m well aware that honor doesn’t buy your life back, nor food to sustain yourself.

If you can live with such a course. No man can stop you.

You certainly have your work cut out for you.

Going against your inherent noble nature, adopt the vile nature of a deceiver, whom you wish to out-deceive... one who would automatically see you as lesser than herself due to the disparity of your and her financial and social standing.

Lie, cheat, steal, connive, and wreck... for personal gain.

God speed my good man, I could never pay that price.

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