Debunking monkey pox as punishment from God for homosexuality?

Monkeypox is just the latest illness associated with homosexual acts. The CDC has identified men who have sex with men as among the groups that are most vulnerable to STDS and their consequences. The diseases transmitted include anal gonorrhea, syphilis, anal warts, herpes simplex virus and enteric intestinal pathogens, including giardiasis, shigellosis, amebiases and hepatitis B. The CDC also reported that researchers estimate that men who have sex with men still account for 42 percent of new HIV infections annually. More than three-fourths of young gay and bisexual men with HIV were unaware of their status--including 91 perfect of African-Americans---and may have unknowingly transmitted the virus to their partners. Nearly 41 percent of women with AIDS acquired it from men.

The phrase "gay bowel syndrome" was used to describe over 50 infections or conditions related to gay sex, although the term has fallen out of vogue because it was found to be too stigmatizing. Receptive anal sex also causes physical trauma to the anus and the rectum. Over a third of AR subjects report some degree of anal incontinence or urgency of defecation.

The citations for all of these statistics are compiled in the ADF's brief to the Supreme Court in Lawrence v. Texas, where the Court erroneously found there to be an implied constitutional right to sodomy in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

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