December 20th, 2015 - /r/OnePunchMan: ONE PUUUUUUUNCHH

Four years ago when I was just 15, I was still a real human bean. Although we had to pinch pennies, my family and I lived a happy and peaceful life. But one day, a crazy cyborg went out of control and attacked our town. The insane cyborg... most likely, a failed body modification generated an irregularity in his brain. He had destroyed everything in sight. Parks, schools, building, my house... He even took my family's lives. Miraculously I survived, but being only a weak 15-year-old, I was alone and at the end of my strength in a ruined town.

That's when Doctor Kuseno happened to pass through. Doctor Kuseno, a scientist for justice, was on a mission to stop the destruction caused by the rampaging cyborg. I asked Doctor Kuseno to perform body modification surgery on me. That's how I was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. I promised Doctor Kuseno that one day I would terminate the evil cyborg.

It's been four years since that day. I'm now 19 and I've been wandering from town to town and eliminating evil. The number of monsters and criminal organizations I have destroyed are too many to count. But I have been unable to find any clues about the insane cyborg and have become increasingly frustrated and restless. I find myself chasing a virtual image of that cyborg whenever I square off against my enemies.

Then last week when that mosquito monster appeared, I let my concentration slip. I was convinced I could not lose to anything but the rampaging cyborg, so I neglected to even analyze the data on my opponent and rushed to confront her. The result, as you know, was that an opponent with immense strength bested me. If you, Master Saitama, had not been in the area, I would have undoubtedly been destroyed. Master, you saved my life. My life that was once saved by Doctor Kuseno has now been saved again by you, Master Saitama. I feel the weight of that responsibility. I must not die before destroying that cyborg. And to do that, I must continue fighting evil as a righteous cyborg until he appears before me one day. I need to get stronger. Last week, when I saw your punch, I knew I had to study under you as your disciple. If only I could be as strong as you, Master Saitama! I have an old enemy to defeat, and the battle is not for me only. It's for my hometown and for Doctor Kuseno too. I realize I am still inexperienced. But right now I need enormous power so I can eradicate the greatest of evils! Doctor Kuseno is-

/r/subredditoftheday Thread