
Quick tip for spacing (and the method I prefer as it is the most painless):

if you want to break up your lines, and it appears that you don't seeing as your formatting remains the same on your blog, anywho: add 4 spaces at the beginning of each line in your poem to

automatically format it using reddit's nifty code feature

Okay, on to the poem. Going to be honest here: Your poem didn't do much for me... until... that last line!

"Sleep gently my large friend."

I think that this line says much more than every other line combined. The remainder of the poem, at least for me, comes off a bit too much like a descriptive writing class assignment. Don't get me wrong, your descriptions are beautiful and created wonderful imagery in my head. But those beautiful descriptions felt like they were almost going to waste without some emotional ionic bonds attached to them.

You've got all the pieces there: a sort of beauty in a dissonance created from the aesthetically pleasing elements of the changing season clashing with the objective reality that the life in this forest scene is dying. A very haunting vibe indeed.

And while I love the personification of the branches, and the tree, and the foliage - I want to know who they are, what they are, or why they are. It feels like you are only giving me: they are. Until that last line. I said "There, now it feels human!" when I read that line because then I felt mourning, then I felt melancholy, then I felt affection. This was a forest with no names until that line broke it from its shell.

My advice: As is, I can't give much of a literal interpretation. If I was telling a friend what your poem was about I'd be at a loss for words: "Well, it's about this pretty autumn scene that's shifting into winter... and.. there's this disembodied voice of some narrator expressing himself to this shifting process.. or something like that." I want to be able to explain your poem in a succinct, profound, meaningful description and walk away from it going 'hm, never thought about this in that way before.' I like your imagery and word choice a lot, now you just have to put it to use

/r/poetry_critics Thread