Deck Review and Theorycrafting | Saturday, September 23, 2017

I know a lot of people claim to have discovered a new deck archetype but I think I actually may have. I'll add a deck list if anyone wants but my nets down currently so I'm on my phone.

Quest Hunter with:

  • 15x 1 drops

  • Prince Keleseth

  • Deathstalker Rexxar

  • 2x Tolvir Stoneshapers/Igenous Elementals/Fire Flies

  • 2x Cultmaster

The deck has a ridiculous amount of synergy so much so that it's virtually impossible to give up on this deck as an archetype in itself.

Keleseth drawn early buffs your heap of 1 mana minions that you're vomitting onto the board, drawn later it buffs all the 3/2 raptors in your deck as well.

Stoneshaper either helps to finish your quest or will likely pull 3/2 raptors if it's complete.

Fire Flies & Igneous Elemental both help contest the board and finish your quest quicker

Cultmaster is a Fucking god in this deck. You rarely don't have a board and it's amazing for completing the quest or abusing the raptors.

Deathstalker Rexxar helps against late game control decks that somehow manage to slow the game down and stall you out. Also functions as good removal in a pinch and can be clutch vs other aggro decks.

I regularly reach rank 3-1 (never broken legend) and this season I'm currently rank 4 and this deck is having decent success. It took me from 20-8 with about 4 losses. I'm having trouble fine tuning the cards but I think I have the core down to what I mentioned about plus the obvious other one drops (patches/corsairs, alley cats, macaws, squire).

/r/CompetitiveHS Thread