It deeply disturbs me that donald trump has an honest chance at becoming our president.

I will tell you how I can compare the two. Hiding assets to file bankrupcy when you have the funds to pay your debt is illegal. Trump did it anyway to not have to pay his debts and turn a profit for his own personal intrests. Thus stiffing multiple lenders and leaving them with no money to speak of. Though illegal it beniffited trump and helped him secure his billions of dollar net worth he likes bragging about.

So why is it a man who openly admits to "taking advantage of the law". For his own personal gain would say. Mothers coming to this country and giving birth here to allow there child to become a u.s citizen and have advantage of the social programs offered to single parents is wrong is confusing?

He brags about using the law to his advantage and as a rich white man its all good and gravy right? But if a poor illegal immigrant travels to the country and secures a life through legal loopholes etc to better their future its wrong corrupt and they must be deported?

Really? I think people backing and voting for him dont care to really do some research on what he claims to stand for a be about vs what hes done in his past. I i raped 200 women and suddenly one day say I want to be on the board of consulors for survivors of raped people would not question me at all?

I guess not when your rich and white. When a person says they stand for xyz and their history indicates they stand for abc its very skeptical to me.

If you use bankrupcy not because you needed it but to screw over multiple people to enrich the quality of your own life why would the presidency be anything but another tool your using not to help myself and others but a tool your using for a smilar purpose for the same cost as your abuse of bankrupcy?

Ultimatley when all is said and done from this day forward I have a very clear picture of where I want my future to be and how Im going to get there and it is not america. so by all means vote for trump in the grand scheme of my life his presidency is ultimtley going to mean very little to me.

/r/offmychest Thread Parent