‘Deeply hurtful’ claims of Australian jobseekers turning down work are based on scant evidence


I'm not denigrating your comment but rather demonstrating that this is a once in a generation situation that has proved the inequety of the now.

If you parse that through 25 years of inaction because life was fine you begin to realise those people have had it so good trickling down, getting business done and any other anachronistic and facile excuses to ensure a safety net would have shielded us from any debate that we may be having right now.

It seems that only those missing the poverty line by 40% are targets no matter how much they may have paid in.

But I'll bite.

Weeding people out can be as extreme as 'let's hire a detective to follow around every unemployed person' (absurd, obviously) or as simple as 'let's set an income limit on Centrelink so people with full-time employment don't also get welfare' (a very low bar I think the vast majority of us would agree on)

How to you propose a solution?

/r/australia Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com