Define your future or someone will define it for you... work/life advice, anyone?

I have a job. It pays my bills and allows me to do more or less what I want, given a rather humble lifestyle. But, as it turned out for me, the most important part for me isn't the money. I actively refused any further promotion as I denied to do certain trainings required. I basically told my employer that I'm not going to become a leader as I lack any skills on that level and that we're both better off if I stay one of the highest ranking subordinates in the company.

The most important thing for me is, as it turned out, the working conditions as such. Like an employer willing to give a safe workplace and not to react on illness but prevent them by good furniture, ergonomic mouse and so on just as required. I work flexitime. Basically I can go to work and leave as I please, given that during certain hours someone is there. 30 days paid leave (+ mandatory sick leave). And my "two weeks" are actually 6-9 months.

I work for this company for almost 20 years and I'm not going to change. I think my first employer will be my last. So, my pov is that my job is what pays the bills for everything, and as much as I like my job, the working conditions are more important than the money and I work to live, not vice versa.

/r/CasualConversation Thread