I definitely didn't just roll out of bed. Never too early for a good roast.

Even with the woosh it's still hard to believe they were joking about it being the kkk flag. The same sjw that called me dumb made a comment saying "nice kkk flag asshole" or something along those lines. So there's definitely people put there that are dumb enough to not be able to tell the difference between the kkk and the kekistan flag.

Then everyone sees my comment has a down vote so they down vote it because they have no mind of their own. This comment alone will hit them with that realisation, which will really get to them, leading them to down vote this comment as well. Honestly it's going to be funny if this gets a lot of down votes, it's basically them just giving in.

Goodnight, reddit.

/r/RoastMe Thread Parent Link - imgur.com