deflowering Samus

Do you really think that male characters are EQUALLY sexualized in video games and other media? I think this is a ridiculous claim to make. Can you give me some examples? What do you consider a male character being sexualized?

The examples are all around you. Look at a given male character. The issue with people like you is that you believe sexualization only exists in a feminine manner. This is false, for there are also masculine forms of sexualization. Each form emphasizes different things on each gender. For males this is generally the arms, chest, and shoulders. Compare the legs, hips, and breasts with females.

I don't think I have ever seen a male character be sexualized in a video game as a matter of fact. I have never seen a game focus on the groin or abs of guy.

Again this is a hyperbolic statement. Also like with female characters sexualization generally focuses on secondary and tertiary sexual characteristics. The groin/genitals are a primary characteristic.

Yeah, male characters are usually in shape and unrealistically jacked, but cannot recall them ever being put in a suggestive light. They also usually have their shirts on.

Being put in a suggestive light and being sexualized do not go hand in hand. You're putting non-existent requirements on what "counts" as male sexualization. Sexualization also does not imply nudity.

Video games and movies are also predominately made by males still, so it would make sense not to see the overt sexualization of male characters.

It's rather naive of you to assume male characters aren't sexualized because the media in question is produced by men. Aside from myriad reasons for straight men to make such design choices you're denying that gay or bisexual males would design males which appeal to them.

Yeah male characters being super jacked is a form of objectifying males and promotes unrealistic body images, but I don't think it is a form of overt sexualization.

Two problems with this statement:

  • Assumption that sexualization and objectification are linked. They are not. Objectification is denial of agency. A character who is sexualized is not objectified.

  • You make your statement from a position of sexualization = objectification, but claim males aren't sexualized despite being objectified. This is doublethink on your part.

This is far from a non-issue. You think this because you incorrectly assume that the overt sexualization of genders is equal. It is far from it.

And I have show you that you are largely ignorant of how sexualization works with regards to the two genders. The ways in which it happens are different. That masculine sexualization is different from feminine seuxalization does not nullify it's existence or prevalence.

Also would the fact that both genders are objectified and overtly sexualized frequently, make this a "non-issue" or would it make things into two important issues that should be addressed.

It's a non-issue because humans are inherently sexual creatures. The entire argument against sexualization comes from crackpot theories such as the so called "male gaze," direct attacks on the very idea that male sexual attraction to females is somehow inherently harmful. It's rooted in American prudishness and aversion to sexuality. It's also tainted by homophobic views which commit erasure against lesbians, bisexual men and women, and gay men.

Give me some examples of the overt sexualization of males in videogames, I am fairly certain you will have a lot of difficulty doing this and realize that women are sexualized far more often than males.

overt sexualization

Clever of you, but not enough. Sexualization is sexualization. You don't get to pick and choose which examples "count" because they fit your ideals that suit your argument. However all of this back and forth is just dancing around the core problem. The question that really needs to be asked is as follows:

Why is, outside of your own personal offense, the evil of sexualization? Our offense is not good enough. You need a concrete, provable basis for why it's a bad thing.

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