Delegate and Cardinal Voting

I am a solid believer in peace and equality between all pressers. I believe in the Team60s ideals and will work hard for them to be represented. I will try my best to solve problems peacefully and believe that war should be reserved as a last resort and only to those who have done unforgivable acts.

It is known we 60s were chosen by the button. But, this does not mean we have superiority over other pressers. Especially now, we need to unify all pressers and even non-pressers. We need to stand up for our fellow purples the 59s'. But that does not mean we need to attackthe greys. Yes, our main enemies currently are the grey's from /r/NoColoreds[2]. But making the assumption that all greys are that evil and intolerant is not acceptable. We should not judge all greys just because of the devastation at /r/59s[3]. It was caused by an extremist group that is a minority of the greys.

Also yes, many grey's will not press the button. But, we should work to engage in freindly debate to show them the error in their way's. Not go to war with them and slander them. I will work to show all are equal and that even though the non-pressers have not decided upon the holy act of pressing, they are still equal. Just as we were chosen by thebutton it does not make us better.

I hold views very close to /r/Churchofthebutton and I have advocated their message. I pray to thebutton daily and know what they say is holy. I am also a supporter of the /r/KnightsoftheButton which are great allies with the church. I will help to bring our subs closer and to make sure no strife comes between us. I praise the Pressiah and thank thebutton for allowing all of this to happen.

I would also like to advocate /r/UnitedColors and encourage you to join. Also if you would like to ask any further questions, please feel free to ask me here, thank you!

/r/team60s Thread