Delphine is a bitch

I mean yes, most people's opinion on everything is extremely surface-level and affected by either personal or environmental biases.

The number of people liking the Empire because "roman cool", disliking the Stormcloaks because "Nords = Whites = Nazis", thinking the Dunmer are poor innocent victims because "Dunmer = Immigrants = Good", disliking Delphine because "old white woman = Karen", worshiping Balgruuf when he's as much of a piece of shit as you can be without being evil because "he first gimme stuff = he perfect"...

I could go on and on but most people's opinions are made in less than 10 seconds and they never question it ever again. It's how you get people still defending the Dunmer woman harassed when you first enter Windhelm despite her being a slaver with a hard-on for torturing and belittling Argonians.

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