Delta Extracts sucks.

Bro what are you talking about? I've been using kratom 5+ years and have used it from 20+ different vendors. DKE isn't anything to rage over but their Kratom is good. I would know. I have a heavy heavy habit and I've been using them for the past 2 weeks and their kratom hits every time. They're advertising incessantly because they're a new business trying to bring in business. That's called marketing and advertising. WTF is wrong with that? You sound like you're angry due to other events in your life and "spending money you don't have" is no ones fault but your own. Sorry bro but nah. Anyone reading this, DKE is a good vendor. I'm not a liar and I won't say they're great but their shit is good and I came back and ordered more for a reason.

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