DeMar pulls off a beautiful spinning layup

I do agree and disagree with you. I agree it can be controlled and managed but will cripple you as long as you let it fester and you dont deal with whats causing the anxiety.

But i dont think you can overcome it. Mental disorders are always there. Theres no cure and it takes training to get to a point where you feel comfortable in most every day situations.

Ive struggled all my life as well with it and as much as ive worked on it, confrontations or speaking to someone/people i hardly know almost feels like like a checklist of things to say in order to come across as someone not internally freaking out.

So i disagree its something that can be overcome. Its not. Its always going to be looming and respecting someone elses comfort level within their anxieties is just as important as working on things yourself. I do think you unintentionally minimized that redditor’s disorder but i understand the thought process. Its like climbing a mountain (not to be completely cliche) but once you get to the top and see the other side you forget all the risks you took getting to that point so its easy to generalize or minimize that struggle. But you still have your own struggles because now you need to come down from that mountain and join the public again.

TLDR; social anxiety is always there and always hard to manage overthinking and analyzing. But it can happen. Train your mind, seek help and support others no matter what. It cant be overcome but it can be managed. Encouragement is amazingly helpful, but be respectful of the other persons current position in their journey.

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