[Demo] Sad | MGE | 980 hours | My mistakes

Round 1 - You died by challenging a CT at CT Stairs from Toilets. The range and angle will always favor a player with a USP so you need to learn to instinctively avoid fights like that, especially when you have the advantage.

Round 2 - I don't understand why even at DMG people don't know the economy meta, but your team should have force bought. Not a big deal I guess, but you're asking to get snowballed on by not at least damaging them as much as you can.

Round 4 - You could have made the call that they will obviously be financially dominating you since you've failed to damage them on any rounds - and that you can assume you will have the disadvantage long unless your AWP can pick him. Instead you ran 3 rifles up long and got picked off one-by-one.

Round 6 - Idk why you wasted so much time trading guns in T spawn. Once the bomb was planted you should have very clearly heard him running to truck but didn't. Make sure you're playing with high enough volume and that your voice volume isn't overpowering anything.

Round 8 - You finally decided to go B and for some reason they stacked it. Bad luck. None of you are playing for trade kills though, you are all doing your own thing and take 1v1 duels very early. Play in pairs.

/r/csgocritic Thread