Democratic Party Elites Are Ready to Steal the Nomination From Bernie Sanders. We Need a Plan to Stop Them.

Is there an authoritarian on the left? No. Not if you are talking about Shils’s left, not if you require scientific evidence. Lots of people have looked, in several different ways, in several different countries, for this creature of lore. But no one has found it yet.

In my own case, counting the item-development studies, I have now collected responses to left-wing authoritarian statements from 1,845 Manitoba students, 642 of their parents, and 67 politicians in Saskatchewan--over 2,500 persons.. I have not yet found a single individual who even “slightly agreed” *(+1, or 6.0) on average with the notion of an authoritarian left-wing movement. * Bob Altemeyer, The Authoritarian Specter, p 229

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