Why do democrats love illegal aliens so much?

It's not that we "love illegal aliens" so much, it's that we believe they should be treated with basic human decency and not have their kids stripped away from them and thrown in cages - shit like that.

Also, many of us are intelligent enough to do actual research and we know that illegal immigration has been on the decline for decades, so we are able to deduce the fact that all this bullshit you're hearing from the right is just more fear-porn that the right loves so much. We also think that building a wall is retarded in ineffective, it's just more Looney Tunes logic from the right.

I guess the right has a hard time figuring out that you can go over, under, or around walls, which I guess makes sense if you think about it since so many of them are incels stuck in their parent's basement (hint while the walls might be blocking you there's probably a stairway somewhere).

/r/AskReddit Thread