Democrats Urged to Fight for Bigger Relief Checks as Lame-Duck Trump Privately Backs Payments as Big as $2,000

Larger checks would save our lives. 2000 for me, plus 2000 for my fiancée, would cover the entirety of her pre-transition fertility procedure, and buy her a car to get to work. We’re fine living paycheck to paycheck if we can get these few basic things to lift us out of dysphoria depression and poverty.

We’ve been saving, but rent is $600 and she hasn’t even been able to cover her half this month. First a car, then a job out of town, then stable living, then we can move out and get a dog. And as soon as she banks those gametes, she can begin to take hormones to transition.

We really are just grinding for pennies until those checks come in. We were unlucky to lose the jobs we love and the place we rented, but lucky we have supportive family and our good health. Insanely lucky to be fed this winter.

Just waiting for this depression to end

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