The demons that possess the Gerasene Demoniac in Mark 5:1-20 are the spirits of the Giants begotten by the Watchers

This just reads like an awesome supernatural fiction novel. Great lore, characters, the angels and demons have cool names and hierarchies, it’s so enamoured with itself it’s just clearly an indulgent creative exercise. How is it that you guys don’t look at a post like this and ask yourself how does this not feel like storytelling? I honestly think some of you are so frightened by the concept of the universe simply being what it is and not having any answers yet (or ever) that you’ll construct a narrative that makes humanity the last hope of an inter dimensional war between two iconic forces. Is reality really that dull? Is the night sky or a waterfall not cool enough? Must there be a cartoonish villain puppeting humanity through subversion of their flaws? Can’t the universe be unyielding and mysterious without having a plot?

I apologize if this comes off wrong to anybody. But I’m seriously wondering. Is this Christianity’s attempt to make life mean something through narrative exercise?

/r/DebateAChristian Thread